суббота, 24 июня 2017 г.

Liked on YouTube: IRA companies

IRA companies
IRA companies Allow me to rub my crystal ball and take a small look into the possible future. ( Please note: I've got no clue if it holds true. I'm just repackaging the facts to tell a different story. This is purely for entertainment purposes.). Ok boys and girls, the story goes like this:. Coming into 2016, the wheels of the international market were coming off. The United States of America had just observed one of the most significant transfers of assets from governmental to private hands in history-- as Quantitative Easing took money from future generations and channeled it into stock markets. In doing so, it generated a huge wall street bubble, as corporations used affordable credit to buy up their own shares, lining bank profits all along the way. Banks were happy. Citizens, less so. https://goo.gl/hpN6Db https://youtu.be/NOf3-OOYhyA
via YouTube https://youtu.be/JXPn3kD7f-Y

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