пятница, 23 июня 2017 г.

Liked on YouTube: 401k to Gold IRA Rollover

401k to Gold IRA Rollover
401k to Gold IRA Rollover The U.S. Federal authorities owes the international debt holders and domestic creditors $20 trillion and counting. Defaulting on them would cause the world financial system (which is set up on U.S. Treasury Debt as well as the dollar reserve currency) to totally collapse. You can't picture the financial panic and human suffering this would let loose around the globe.This leaves the U.S. government with the unattractive option of defaulting on its own people via Health insurance and Social Security. The big problem is will they create a gray-haired social revolution when they finally slash the programs that keep many representatives of the greatest retiring generation in human history medically cared for and fed? Is Your Retirement Account Safeguarded by Gold Against The Inevitable Nonpayment of the U.S. Federal Government? https://goo.gl/hpN6Db https://youtu.be/qph4bWbrfLQ
via YouTube https://youtu.be/Mg1o12Ycwjc

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