суббота, 24 июня 2017 г.

Liked on YouTube: Gold IRA Investing

Gold IRA Investing
Gold IRA Investing Allow me to rub my crystal ball and take a tiny look into the potential future. ( Please note: I've got no idea if it's true. I'm just repackaging the information to tell a different story. This is just for entertainment purposes.). Ok boys and girls, the tale goes like this:. Entering into 2016, the wheels of the world-wide market were falling off. America had just experienced one of the biggest transfers of riches from governmental to private hands in history-- as Quantitative Easing took money from future generations and funneled it into stock markets. In doing so, it generated a large wall street bubble, as companies used affordable credit to procure their own shares, lining bank profits all along the way. Banks more than happy. Citizens, less so. https://goo.gl/VNwVa1 https://youtu.be/HDtVcd_oUkk
via YouTube https://youtu.be/yhNIitxVF0s

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