среда, 1 января 2020 г.

Invest in These 2 Sectors Now — Don’t Wait for the New Year

Timor Invest

I have my sights set on two of the next big market trends in 2020.

In fact, I believe the untapped potential for massive gains in these sectors will pay out over the next decade!

It will shape the way we look at business, entertainment and the world as we know it.

You will not want to miss out on this opportunity come 2030.

Check out this week’s video to find out how your portfolio can dominate the next decade:

Investing in The Next Decade

Predictions for 2020 rely on an imagination of the future based in fact. This is the very last Bold Profits Daily of 2019. 2020 is just a few days away and with that begins not just a new year, but a new decade. And the ending of one decade has us thinking about the future – all the way towards 2030.

What will our world look like in 2030? What will you wish you invested in at the beginning of 2020 so when you look back in 2030 you can say, “Nobody was thinking about this and I bought it and made a lot of money.”

I have seen a few graphs now of what was popular 10 years ago and what was most valuable 10 years ago. It has been an extraordinary period of time. The amount of change, the rate of change and the impact of it has been mind-blowing.

Hindsight is 2020 – Winning Examples

John Maynard Keynes said interest rates are always above zero. He proved it with math. In hindsight, one of his errors was obvious.For example, in 2010, Amazon was a company that was largely considered an online retailer for books and CDs. In 2020, when you look at Amazon, it’s an enormous company that sells just about everything you want to buy. It also owns Whole Foods. It has the biggest cloud-computing platform in the world. And it’s getting into so many other businesses.

In 2010, Google was surrounded by competitors. In fact, most investors thought Google was too vulnerable. No one really thought it would be the kind of advertising powerhouse it has become today. It is now an enormous media company that completely dominates advertising.

Then there are companies that most people never imagined would be anything today. Who would have thought that Facebook or Netflix could completely change culture and fundamentally change the way we consume media.

Netflix is now beginning to disruptify the movie business, the TV business and is looking to capture all the market share it once had.

Facebook today, as a whole, has the Facebook platform, Instagram platform, Oculus platform and WhatsApp Platform— what will it usurp and take in the next 10 years?

Sectors to Watch Next Decade

I’ve discussed a bunch of predictions for 2020. When I look at it, I look and see two large places where I believe you are going to see a massive disruption.

Prediction 1: Finance

Invest in crypto. I recently tweeted that the next 10 years you will see cryptocurrencies, mortgage tech and insurance tech really creep into and then wipe out banks, insurance companies and mortgage finance companies as we know it.

invest in crypto Paul Mampilly tweet

This part of the market is horribly inefficient and horribly inconvenient. Consumers are charged lots of money and receive very little value. That’s why I tell investors who are looking to make smart long term investments in 2020 and beyond, look here. Invest  in cryptocurrencies, mortgage technology, insurance technology, financial technology in 2020. You’ll look back in 2030 and say “this was so obvious!”.

Invest in crypto and tech in general because they are going to take market share from banks and insurance companies that are, today, worth trillions of dollars.

Prediction 2: Manufacturing

The making of things is about to completely change. In fact, the changes have already started. Right now we still make things more or less the way we have made them for about 100 years. For sure, the Industrial Revolution completely automated manufacturing, but we still have to actually make them. We didn’t change the process.

However, when you think about technology like 3D printing, you can see that they can now print massive things. We can print everything from a toothbrush to airplane wing parts. You know that the world of manufacturing is just going to be completely and utterly disrupted.

The current, old world manufacturing system that we have counted on for 100 year, is coming to an end rapidly. We are entering the new world, manufacturing houses, furniture, cars, planes, everything will change. Investors who want to enter into this sector should look into industrial companies that are using and starting to implement new manufacturing technology.

3D printing, CAD CAM software, the Internet of Things… all manufacturing systems have existed on the outside on the periphery. Technology companies are going to enter the world of making things and I believe it’s going to be on sector that smart investors get into now.

Those are my predictions for 2020. Happy New Year to all of you, and happy investing.


Paul Mampilly

Editor, Profits Unlimited

from https://ift.tt/37owQlh

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