среда, 25 декабря 2019 г.

Introducing Bauman Daily: Your New Free Daily Publication

Timor Invest

It’s Christmas Day. And as fate would have it, it’s fallen to me to extend the best wishes of the Sovereign Investor Daily team to you and yours.

Merry Christmas!

This also happens to be my last article for Sovereign Investor Daily, where I’ve published at least one article a week for the last five and a half years.

But this isn’t a sad occasion at all. In fact, I’ve been bubbling with excitement about the reason for my departure.

I had to be restrained from telling you before now!

You see, starting after the new year, I’m going to be writing for a brand-new free daily publication: Bauman Daily.

That’s right … my team and I are launching our own free daily newsletter!

To me, that’s one of the best Christmas presents I could imagine.

It’s going to allow me to focus on the goals and concerns that you have shared with me over the last few years in literally thousands of emails.

Bauman Daily will let Clint Lee and me — and from time to time, my publisher Angela Jirau — bring you insightful and carefully researched articles and videos designed specifically for your interests.

We’re going to address the things that you have told me are of most interest to you:

  • How to maximize your gains while minimizing risk.
  • Choosing investments that promise payoffs in the time frame that matters to you, not way off in the future.
  • Cutting through the noise and hype to identify the profitable opportunities in the wave of technological revolutions sweeping across the global economy.
  • Explaining the opportunities — and risks — of the stock market in honest, easy-to-understand language that helps you rest easy knowing that you’re not just investing on someone’s say-so … but that you really understand what you’re investing in and why.

I know you might have some questions about this new project, so here’s everything you need to know.

What to Know About Bauman Daily

With Bauman Daily, my team is going to bring you our combined decades of experience in investing and economics. It is a newsletter written by sensible investors for sensible investors.

It’s not just pie-in-the-sky promises about the next great thing that may or may not pay out. It’s honest-to-goodness analysis of real opportunities that are in front of you right now … opportunities that are specifically chosen to maximize your gains and minimize your risks.

So, starting in about two weeks, you will receive Bauman Daily at around 12 p.m. EST.

Inside, you’ll gain access to powerful insights from my team — all in one place, five days a week:

  • Mondays: Your Money Matters, where Clint and I have a vibrant discussion about current happenings in the market and what to expect from the week ahead. These videos won’t be boring speeches and lectures … Clint and I will converse like the friends and colleagues that we are, in language that’s easy to understand.
  • Tuesdays: That’s when I’ll be writing a weekly article for you myself. You’ll continue to reap the benefits of my three decades as an economist and investor, and my experience of working and traveling in over 80 countries. As you know from my long history writing for Sovereign Investor Daily, I cover a wide range of topics, and I’m not afraid to speak my mind even if it goes against conventional wisdom. You can expect the same honesty and insight.
  • Wednesdays: Clint will write a weekly article based on important trends in the economy, select economic sectors and the stock market. You’ve already seen Clint’s expertise in his Chart of the Week pieces, included with my Sovereign Investor Daily articles over the last few months.
  • Fridays: To end the working week, you’ll receive a link to my latest YouTube video. In recent weeks, I’ve been exploring anticompetitive behavior in the U.S. economy and how the money it takes out of our pockets is responsible for the financial struggles that many of us face.
  • Saturdays: From time to time, we’ll run articles from guest contributors, or information carefully selected to be of interest to you.

Some Final Details

My team and I share a deep, personal commitment to giving you frank, unfiltered information that addresses the things that are most important to you as an investor … and as a person. We’re committed to helping you achieve a better and more prosperous life.

In Bauman Daily, we’re going to be extending and deepening that commitment to you.

So remember, be sure to look in your inbox in about two weeks at around 12 p.m. EST to get your first issue!

After all, you’re receiving Bauman Daily because you’re a loyal reader.

I want to thank you for your continued support in allowing my team and me to do what we love.

Here’s looking forward to a year of Bauman Daily!

Kind regards,

Ted Bauman

Editor, The Bauman Letter

from https://ift.tt/34Pqdqw

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